c/o Galerie erstererster
Pappelallee 69
10437 Berlin
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Galerie erstererster
A Dance for a Reading Aloud

As a medical term, the word ‘aura’ refers to a set of sensory perceptions that can manifest as sensations of colour, sound, or smell, for instance, or feelings of happiness, tingling, or nausea. The word also denotes a place or person’s inexpressible power of attraction and charisma, something that cannot quite be put into words, that can’t be seen or heard, yet is nonetheless present – their aura, which in ancient Greek means the ‘perception of a breath of air’. Artists Nadja Bournonville and Anne Kulbatzki, Catherine Rose Evans, Claudia Balsters and Hannah Goldstein, Andrea Grützner, Claire Laude, and Ulrike Schmitz approach this inexpressibly perceptible phenomenon in different ways, presenting works that reach across generations and species and oscillating between visibility/invisibility and legibility/illegibility. They address feminist role models, historical interiors in an enigmatic cabinet of shadows, and (non-)human signs. Searching in landscapes, architectural spaces, and in nature, they show us things that lie between that which remains, disappears, and exists.

A Dance for a Reading Aloud